This funny film where I am snorkeling and cracking whole coconut speaking Russian.
And the day 23 – trail to Captain Cook monument.
You have to be scared before the trail. Not all trails in Hawaii are like that but we chose challenging ones. It the trail is not as missed workout, it doesn’t worth doing. This one is short but good. Even to go downhill is challenging enough. My husband fall on the rocks and miraculously didn’t get crashed himself and the camera. After that he put in in the backpack and we don’t see any pictures from this trail until the very end.
The only I have from my camera. 1/3 of the way is in high grass, which you can spot on the video above. Its disgusting enough, so you’d better wear long sleeve AND long shorts, which I didn’t have.
The monument itself. It says that behind the chain is the territory of Great Britain. I decided to cheat and visit it without visa. Haha.You know what is inside if you watch the film. That was great, some kind of the same as I spotted in red sea but I love those small fish more than huge Red sea fishes.
Mostly, people are coming here by boat or kayak from the village below. They land on corals what is, of course, forbidden, but… Hawaii as all tourist destinations. I feel sad all the time seeing that. Fortunately this little paradise is not easy to access as Hanauma Bay where tourists walk on corals with their feet, despite on the mandatory video they were shown before the entrance.
After I did snorkel we walked back uphill. It was so humid and warm, I was all sweated. My husband ran uphill much faster then me and I was all time alone. When I went back I saw a couple looked like all those honeymooners: girl was worn in a nice dress and sandals, guy had shorts and shirt with funny scout hat. I asked if they really were going on the trail in this rigging and THOSE shoes? They said: “yes!” I said: “NO WAY. Read the sign, think twice, its gonna rain any time and to tell the truth it is very very bad idea.” They turned back and I hope didn’t go this time.
It started raining in minutes. The weather was stormy.
But I really enjoyed the view of black sky, black lava stones and white sand.
Than I had found fresh coconut and my life changed. I was trying to open it for an hour or so. I asked my hubby to help and he was opening the coconut later on. We had so much fun. If only you understand some Russian in the film…
It was sooo good! I had never ever done it before!Coconut garden!
There are a lot of coconuts on those trees.I even wrecked one.
And we drove home in the evening and walked to Kona for sunset.